Cool, looking foward to the game bro ;)
PS: You expected me didn't you? xD
Just Call Me The Compulsive Creator
Nohing...Now literal
Tha Internet
Joined on 8/24/14
Cool, looking foward to the game bro ;)
PS: You expected me didn't you? xD
OF COURSE I EXPECTED YOU BRO!!! =D by the way u can help because the game is still raw but if you can help in what u can help?
I don't know you tell me what you need :P
PS: I'm very busy working on my game (Madness Customization II) but if what you need is simple then I can help you :)
welll what i ask is really simple as long as you know how to use flash or similars( and i dont) what i ask you is:
make some effects i mean, i already got some sounds of the game( jumping,running,shooting, moving, and missvirus is wokring on the music and scenarios) but i dont know how to use flash to make some particles for example the blood.....a custom HUD....and other thigns like........fog distortion maybe? so for anyone who uses flash...that will be as easy as F&%&CK XD so i hope u can help too......i guess ill will upload afew other things (game update 2) maybe keep and eye on the news post ok?
wait, you're using Swift3D or Unity3D? Plus I never used any of them :P
im not using no one of them neither, im using blender since i started i know how to use unyty3d too but i cant buy the full version and i prefer blender, i use blender till the end!! XD
Blender was the worst try ever I did, I didn't know how to do nothing on that and dropped it back in 2011, never knew how to use that program, and may never learn :/
heh, sorry i know i know i know, blender is just a KICK IN THE ASS whe you fisrt try, but when you know how to ubicate the menus and all that stuff, you will discover that blender have more potential than even the same maya!!! no its not a joke blende rhas a lot of potencial if you know on how to use it, anyways i just ask to do the blood which can be do even in paint XD and later ill put that blood in-gamemyself because u dont know how to use blender, but i do :D
Blender (almost wrote Slender xD) is an advanced engine to make games, so noobs like me don't know how to use it :P
heh, so u mean that im a pro, or somehting like that? XD
by the way i will upload the next game upadate now, you maybe like what you will see ;)
oh people, if u asking, its suposed to be an FPS horror game of some sort....XD