oh well, i guess i dont need to say its me again anyways here we are again:
ok here are the big news:
-well as everyone may notice, now we have textures!!!!
-is not seen now but im working on enemys( there a lot of enemys out the house) but those enemys just pussuit you, the cant kill you or harm you, but you can kill them!!
-as you can see im still working on the inventory an the life and ammo bar( im really lazy to learn about scripting XD)
-as u can also notice, the game looks brigther, thats because of the textures and i dont know what happend there or how to solve it(because the game its suposed to be really dark)
-STILL no reload animation XD
well, i have finish everything of the character and some logic coding an a little bit of everything, now thats done so now theres one thing left:
make the scenarios....by the way, i will see if i make the first scenario (wich is a church) as faster as posible to upload a little playable "demo" of the game :D
Looks really awesome, bro!
Got any plans for a Main Menu?
obyously i do, but i iwill work on that when i can consider the game finished, by the way this game will by name HOMETOWN: HELL yes that will be his name!! hey missvirus, thanks for the help!! i really apreciate it :D